Best Career Coach2024-07-05T12:26:57+10:00
Fiona Spence Career and Life Coach Portrait

Feeling stuck in your career?

Looking for clarity of purpose, more confidence or motivation, or seeking help to unleash your potential? Career Coaching can help, so let’s talk!

What’s missing from your career?

Do you wish you had more control over your career? Are you experiencing some of the following?

  • Unsure of which direction to take next: Is your gut feel that you need to change something in your career but you don’t quite know what?
  • Drops in motivation, enthusiasm, and energy: Have you lost the passion you once had for your work? Are you struggling to find motivation?
  • Crises in confidence, self-doubt, and Imposter Syndrome: Do you hold back on speaking out, constantly question your abilities, and feel like you’re not good enough? Do you feel inadequate despite your achievements?
  • Decision paralysis, procrastination, or second-guessing yourself: Are you becoming a professional procrastinator or your own worst critic? Do you delay taking action due to the fear of making the wrong choice?

Whether you’re underperforming, undervalued, or simply unsatisfied with your career, I can help you.

As a career mindset coach, I won’t tell you what to do with or for your career. Instead, I’ll help you develop a winning mindset. A mindset that will enable you to break free from the mental barriers that hold you back. That means that you’ll be able to maximise your potential, create a rewarding career and enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

So what are you waiting for?!

Fiona Spence., master mindset coach, wearing judo gi and black belt in fighting stance

Do you want to unlock your potential?

Do you know:

  • What makes you tick?
  • What’s holding you back?
  • Why you get in your own way?

My mission is to empower you and help you unlock your full potential. I bring the sharpness of a business professional, the skills of a mindset specialist, and the insights of a martial artist. With the right mindset, you’ll experience:

  • The Power of Positive Thought: Let’s replace negative thought patterns with empowering beliefs and cultivate a mindset geared towards success.
  • Exceptional Drive and Achievement: We’ll unleash your inner drive and achieve your career goals with accountability and determination.
  • Self-Prioritisation and Work Life Balance: Learn to put yourself first and cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling professional life.

Replace confusion, blocks, and uncertainty with clarity and direction. We’ll look at what’s holding you back, where you’d love to get to, and how to create a roadmap for your success. If you are ready to unlock your potential, click the button to book your free call.

“Top of her field!”

I have worked with many coaches and have found Fiona to be at the top of her field. Fiona has an extensive tool kit of tricks (all good!) to help you remove emotional blocks, get past the excuses and achieve goals. I highly recommend her.

Gayl Chivers

Learning & Leadership Consultant – Eliminating Excuses

“She Empowers You”

When I met Fiona, I genuinely loved what I do, but I was exhausted. I was not coping with the pressure I’d put on myself to be everything to everyone (but myself). During my first session with Fiona, we explored a ‘sleep hack’. That night, I had one of the best sleeps I’d had in a very long time. Sleeping better immediately helped shift my mindset into a more effective space. She empowers you with the knowledge and tools you need to conquer your ‘thing’, and deliver the greatest, long-term impact. Six months on and I am so proud of the version of ‘me’ that I have grown into. I am more effective overall — a better founder, creative, mentor, friend, daughter, and partner. I have a clearer vision of my future, and what exactly is driving the legacy that I want to build.

Kathleen Casford

Founder of By Ninja

“Best coach I ever had!”

Fiona was the best coach, mentor, and trainer I ever had. She always encouraged me, helped me gain clarity and direction, and provided great strategies. She has a wealth of knowledge about business and life and I loved how she used stories to explain concepts. It really helped me to see things from different perspectives. If you want to be your best self Fiona will definitely help you achieve your goals.

Olamide Adewolo


“She always believes in you”

Fiona is one of the most inspiring people I have met. She makes you feel like she always believes in you and that you can achieve anything you set your heart and mind to. Fiona is very open, honest and approachable. She never judges you but instead helps you see things from new and different angles. I loved the tools and techniques she shared with me and if you haven’t already connected with Fiona I strongly recommend you do.

Karina Landim

Branch Manager at Now Education Agency


Fiona is a very talented mentor and presenter, and her help was invaluable not only to open my own business in Australia, but also to gain the confidence I needed at that moment to get started. Thanks, Fiona!

Reginald Nepomuceno

Graphic Designer

“A Genuine Game-Changer”

Working with Fiona Spence as my life coach was truly transformative. Her approach to Advanced Conversational Hypnosis differed from my expectations; instead of a traditional technique, we engaged in a conversation that unveiled the power of my subconscious mind and its role in achieving my goals. Fiona’s professional yet deeply empathetic manner created a safe and supportive environment, starting with small steps and celebrating each success. This experience has given me the confidence to navigate challenges and build momentum in my life. I’m grateful for Fiona’s expertise in Advanced Conversational Hypnosis – a genuine game-changer.

Basil Mabusa


I never expected to see results after just one session of coaching. But after a 50-minute session with Fiona I had made my mind up on a decision I had been debating for months. Within 24 hours I had taken action and was making progress towards my goals. I am now more self-aware than ever before, I have knowledge about myself that will help me find joy in all areas of life.

This is all thanks to the power of coaching and Fiona’s ability to pick up on what you are really saying, not the BS you are telling yourself. Her non-judgemental, action-orientated approach will leave you motivated and ready to make lasting change in your life.

Steph Welch

Social Media Designer

Crumbling under pressure

I was struggling with the business and we had just switched from being a startup to scale up. Days had become endless, I was exhausted and not feeling like I was making an impact on the business.

With Fiona, we uncovered the issues that were holding me back and came up with appropriate solutions to them. She helped me see what makes me tick and to use that to better navigate the chaos of life. I sleep soundly at the end of each day, am content, can point to the value that energy has created and love watching the business grow. If anyone needs any help with their mindset, career or any part of their life, I would definitely recommend!

William Ferguson

Owner of Wireless Timings

“I am finally at peace with who I am”

After our session had finished, I felt much more relaxed and confident than I had in years. A wonderful peaceful feeling of being deeply connected with myself. This created a calm yet strong feeling of a more relaxed and certain mindset for myself.

Since our session I have retained this strong belief in myself and I no longer feel the need to seek approval from others. A key moment for me was when a good friend commented it was great to see me looking so confident. I can definitely say as a result of the wonderful session and experience I had with Fiona I am finally at peace with who I am.

Tony Schaufelberger

Director of Quiet Confidence

Gained a New Lease of Life for my Business

I have in last 4 weeks taken Fiona on as my mindset coach. I have always understood the importance of having your mindset steadfast and focused if you wish to be successful and create results. Yet, I kept falling back into the negative and self-limiting behaviours. Fiona is keeping me accountable, focused and steadfast on my goals and self-belief. I cannot believe how in just a few short weeks I have transformed. I am so pumped, excited and have found a new lease of life for my business. I can’t wait to see where I will be in another 4 weeks, 4 months, 4 years from now. Thank you Fiona

Heidi Strohschon

Owner of Healthy Bones

Cuts through the BS!

Working with Fiona is a mixture of pleasure, learning, insight and even at times, tough love. Fiona is extremely approachable and empathetic yet manages to cut through the b***s*** to tell it like it is. Some life coaches are really good at making it look like they are listening, Fiona really does. Even more, she understands and extracts the key issues that matter and helping you break free of what it is that is blocking you helps you build motivation to get you moving again. Fiona is also an inspiring and motivating speaker and thought leader who draws on her years of martial arts practice being able to share tools and tips to help you win in this game called life. If you haven’t already met Fiona I highly recommend you pick up the phone and give her a call. She is really welcoming and easy to talk to.

Graeme Thom AFSM

CEO of GT&Associates Pty Ltd

“Knowledgeable, Positive and Motivational”

Fiona has been outstanding over the past few months! In February, I reached out to her because I was having trouble finding direction in my career and was feeling stuck in personal situations. Thanks to Fiona’s expertise and psychological background, I was able to decide on the right pathway and to also be able overcome personal challenges.

Fiona is extremely knowledgeable, positive and motivational, and I can’t thank her enough for her service.

Jamie Pear

Solution Engineer

Beat Imposter Syndrome with Career Coaching

for Greater Confidence & Self-Belief

Career Coaching with me will offer you the support and guidance you need to break free from self-doubt, second guessing yourself, and the ever-growing challenge of Imposter Syndrome.

After coaching with me, you’ll be empowered to embrace your talents and pursue your goals with certainty and conviction.

  • STOP lacking self-confidence and battling self-doubt

    Do you often find yourself questioning your abilities and feeling like you’re not good enough?

  • STOP struggling with self-criticism

    Are you your own harshest critic, constantly berating yourself and struggling to be kind to yourself?

  • STOP fearing judgment

    Are you constantly preoccupied with the opinions of others, fearing that you’ll be judged or criticised for your actions and decisions?

  • STOP feeling overwhelmed in competitive environments

    How do you find your place and thrive in a workplace that often feels cutthroat and competitive?

As your professional career coach, my goal is to help you overcome these challenges through personalised coaching. I will help you develop the right focus and strategies to fight self-doubt and conquer Imposter Syndrome.

You’ll create a mindset of resilience, self-compassion, and unwavering belief in your talents, empowering you to take courageous steps towards a satisfying and rewarding career.

Take the Job Satisfaction Quiz

Would you like to gain insights into your current situation and gain clarity on your next step.

Click below to take your FREE Job Satisfaction Quiz. You can also check out all of my quizzes here.

Ready to Transform Your Communication and Boost Your Confidence?

Communication and confidence often go hand in hand. If you’re struggling with one, you may well be experiencing challenges with the other.

Challenges such as:

  • Procrastinating or avoiding crucial dialogues, leading to stress and anxiety
  • Struggling to deliver difficult news and have difficult conversations with clients, managers, or your team
  • Holding back on speaking out leading to you feeling overlooked and misunderstood
  • Worrying people are judging you or misunderstanding your intention or message

It’s time to break free from these barriers. Learn to assert boundaries, embrace feedback—both giving and receiving—and cultivate the courage to navigate challenging interactions with ease.

If you’re ready to transform your communication skills and reclaim your confidence, click the button below for a free 60 minute clarity call.

Together, we’ll uncover what’s holding you back and pave the way for empowered communication and lasting success.

Take the First Step Towards Career Fulfilment AND a More Balanced Life

Don’t let another day go by feeling stuck, exhausted or unfulfilled in your career. It’s time to reclaim your time, your energy and put the excitement back into your career.

Reach out today and take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Are you ready to wake up excited for the day? Then let’s have a free chat. Click the button below to book your free call.

Fiona Spence Career and Life Coach Portrait with Bike

MBA, BA(Hons), Certified Coach
Learn more about me and my qualifications here.

Meet Fiona Spence

I offer more than your average coach, combining years of business experience across multiple industries with expertise as a mindset specialist.

I’m also a passionate title holding martial artist, and love to bring my knowledge of high performance and black belt mindset strategies into my coaching approach.

If you’d like to see some testimonials to see why others say why I am the best mindset and life coach they have ever had please click here!

Feeling Stressed, Exhausted or Burning Out?

Are the demands of your career draining your energy and leaving you feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. To learn more, check out my recent blogs exploring how to regain balance, manage stress, and reignite your passion for work and life.

★★★★★ Reviews

With numerous 5-star reviews, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many individuals through transformative coaching sessions.

Allow me to share one client’s story. Michael Cross describes his journey from feeling stuck to gaining career clarity after just one session.

Curious about what a Results-Based Coaching Session with me entails? Watch Michael’s video to get a glimpse of the experience.

Read some of my latest insights

Stay up to date with my latest blog posts where I share insights into different coping mechanisms, thought strategies and more.

Word of mouth award 2023
Word of mouth award 2022
Certified Rapid Results Coach Award Authentic Education
Certified Rapid Results Coach Award Authentic Education
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