Fione Spence Black Belt Mindset Coach

What is Burnout?

Signs of burnout at work include mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. Perhaps you no longer feel like you can give your job your all.

Whether you own a business or work for someone else, you’ll benefit from knowing how to recognise, prevent, and recover from burnout.

Over many years of coaching business owners and professionals, it has never ceased to surprise me how many people have experienced some form of burnout at work but have not been aware of it at the time. Frequently they may tell me they felt overwhelmed, overworked, or underappreciated.

If you’re currently struggling with motivation, or feel like you’re just going through the motions, it’s important to take a step back and assess whether you might be suffering from burnout. So, let’s take a look at some signs you can look out for.

Am I Burning Out? What Does Burnout Feel Like?

Burnout can manifest in a variety of ways, both mentally and physically. First let’s explore some signs that you are burnt out, or burning out, that are rooted in how you feel on an emotional level.

Mentally, you may feel constantly overwhelmed by your work, and as though you can’t ever get ahead. The people around you, including co-workers and family members, may frustrate you, and they in turn may notice that you’ve become more irritable lately. As burnout progresses you may even start to feel hopeless. At the end of the workday, you feel drained and if you do take time off you feel guilty, particularly if others seem to be struggling with their workloads.

Experiencing a never-ending cycle of anxiety and stress that leaves you feeling emotionally exhausted can make it difficult to concentrate. You seem to procrastinate more than ever. What’s more, you may find you have trouble getting excited about the workday ahead or find yourself dreading work on weekends.

With your motivation at an all-time low, your life outside of work begins to suffer. Finding motivation for anything outside of work becomes a chore and one day you realise you have lost interest in activities you used to enjoy. If left unchecked you can end up feeling drained, numb, and even depressed, wondering why you no longer enjoy life.

What Are The Physical Signs of Burnout?

In addition to the emotional symptoms are a host of physical symptoms which can include:

  • feeling exhausted all the time, even after a full night’s sleep
  • problems falling asleep or staying asleep
  • changes in appetite, or digestive issues
  • headaches or other physical pain,
  • getting sick more often

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important that you take action to prevent burning out any further. One person you can reach out to for help is a coach. An experienced coach can help you learn how to manage your stress and prevent burnout. If you think you might be burning out, don’t wait to get help. The sooner you address the problem, the better.

Now you know what to look out for let’s look at some of the most common causes of burnout. Firstly, let’s explore 7 key reasons business owners burn out, then we’ll take a look at 8 reasons you might burn out if you work for someone else.

Fione Spence Black Belt Mindset Coach
Fione Spence Black Belt Mindset Coach

Seven Key Causes of Burnout for Business Owners

A Capital One Business 2022 survey of business owners reported that 42% of small business owners surveyed said they have experienced burnout in the past month; while 24% said that they are currently experiencing burnout. The Covid epidemic was reported as having had a major impact, with interruptions leaving many “feeling the impact on their mental well-being and their ability to maintain work-life balance.”

Of the following seven causes of burnout, which ones sound most like you?

  1. Doing too much yourself. As a business owner, you might wear a lot of hats and feel like you must do everything yourself. But trying to do everything can lead to burnout. . You’ll find that your mind is racing all the time because you’re thinking about every single thing that needs to be done for your business. That type of stress isn’t good for anyone’s health, not even a business owner. Learning how to delegate some responsibilities and letting go of some control is an important step to recovery. Hiring more help so that you don’t take on everything on your own can also help.
  2. Taking on too many projects at once without enough resources or support from others: If you take on more than one project without enough help from employees or partners, it can quickly become overwhelming and lead to burnout.
  3. If you are prone to the Bright Shiny Object Syndrome, or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), you may also find your energy and attention has too many competing priorities for you to cope. Before you know it overwhelm and exhaustion set in.
  4. Working too many hours. Business owners often work long hours, often late into the night, and working too much can lead to burnout. Make sure to take breaks and take time for yourself outside of work.
  5. Not taking enough vacations. Sixty per cent of business owners report having not taken a week or more off of work for any reason since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, and 19 per cent have not stopped working for any amount of time during that period. What this means is that business owners are prone to miss out on the relaxation, recuperation, and rejuvenation that vacations bring. So, if you want to reduce your risk of burning out, start scheduling holidays into your annual calendar, and time off from work into your weekly schedule.
  6. Not having a good support system. No one can go it alone, especially when it comes to business. A good support system is essential to help you prevent burnout. An experienced life coach or a master mindset coach can help you identify the signs of burnout and develop a plan to get back on track. If you feel stuck in your business and feel lost as to what path you should take next, a good coach will be able to assist with finding the right direction.
  7. Not taking care of your mental health: Being an entrepreneur is hard work! When you’re under a lot of stress at work, it’s important to take care of your mental health. If you feel constantly overwhelmed, irritable, or even hopeless it is time to speak to a mindset coach, and if you are experiencing depression, it’s time to speak to your GP.

Eight Key Causes of Burnout at Work

Indeed’s Employee Burnout Report revealed that more than half (52%) of the respondents are feeling burned out. 67% say burnout has worsened during the Covid pandemic, quite possibly due to workers struggling to find work-life balance. However, a poor work-life balance is just one factor that can cause burnout in the workplace, here are eight other key causes of employee burnout at work.

  1. Unclear or unrealistic job expectations. If you don’t know what’s expected of you, or if what is expected of you is impossible to achieve, it can lead to burnout.
  2. A lack of control over your work. If you feel like you have no say in how you do your job, or if you’re constantly being asked to do things outside of your job description, it can lead to burnout.
  3. A heavy workload and feeling you have power over your situation. When you don’t have much choice in what you do day-to-day because there’s not enough staff, projects come up suddenly with no warning, or others just expect too much of you, you can end up feeling drained and overwhelmed.
  4. A lack of support from your company or co-workers. If you feel like you’re in it alone, or that no one has your back, it can lead to stress, overwhelm and eventually burning out.
  5. A lack of recognition for your work. Perhaps you have been overlooked and feel undervalued despite working hard to prove yourself.
  6. Lack of opportunities for career progression. When you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, repeating the same tasks over, with no hope of moving up you can end up losing your energy and motivation.
  7. Working from home and feeling isolated from colleagues can also play a role in burning out.
  8. Working beyond your capacity. If you lack confidence in your ability to fulfil your role you may be experiencing symptoms of Impostor Syndrome. Read on to understand the link between burnout and the Impostor Syndrome.

Burnout and the Impostor Syndrome

Do you ever feel like a fraud at work? Like you’re just winging it, and everyone is going to find out that you’re not as competent as they think you are? Do you go the extra mile to make sure your performance and work are perfect? If so, you may well be experiencing the Impostor Syndrome. And if you’re feeling that way plus struggling with lots of anxiety and overwhelm, you might be heading for burnout.

The Impostor Syndrome can drive you to over-work, and over-provide on projects, in an attempt to avoid being found out. The stress of overwork and constantly worrying about your performance, and what others think of you, drain your physical and emotional energy. The result is you start to burn out. As your levels of

This means you put intense pressure on your mental health.

Fione Spence Black Belt Mindset Coach

How can a Mindset Coach Help You Recover From Burnout?

If you’re feeling burnt out at work, it’s important to take steps to recover before the situation gets worse. A mindset coach who specialises in business owners or individuals can help you understand the root cause of your burnout and create a plan to get back on track. They can also help you develop healthy coping mechanisms and change your thinking patterns to prevent future burnout. With the right support, you can recover from burnout and enjoy life, and business, again.

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I look forward to helping you achieve greater clarity and success in your life and career and the job satisfaction you deserve.

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