Reviews & Testimonials
Master Mindset Coach Testimonials for Fiona Spence
Master Mindset Coach Testimonials for Fiona Spence
Top Australian Life Coach
Top Australian Life Coach

Michael’s Experience
Michael Cross shares his experience of how he got unstuck and gained Career Clarity in just one session! Watch his video if you are interested in what you’ll experience in a Results Based Career Coaching Session with me.
Check out the video below for Michael’s perspective!
David’s Experience
In this video, David opens up about our journey together, including delving into the subtle art of conversational hypnosis that led to his incredible breakthroughs. Curious about the process?
Check out the video for David’s perspective!
Tegan Reflects on Her Session
Tegan Wicks told me she wanted clarity, confidence and direction. She gained all three in a single conversational hypnosis session.
Gabi Reflects on Her Session
Gabi Picket was catastrophising and imagining the worst-case scenario for a particular situation. Using conversational hypnosis, Gabi discovered how to take the blinkers off and see new paths to follow. She now feels much more optimistic and is back to being a glass-half-full person again!
Why Fiona Spence is the Best Life Coach for You?
“Crumbling under the pressure”
Hi, my name’s William Ferguson. I’m CEO and founder at Wylas Timing.
Before I met Fiona Spence I was struggling with the business and we had just switched from being a startup to scaleup and I had switched from working full time for someone else to working for my own company. Days had become endless, I was exhausted and not feeling like I was making an impact on the business.
During my coaching program with Fiona, we uncovered the issues that were holding me back and came up with appropriate solutions to them. She helped me see what makes me tick and to use that to better navigate the chaos that is life. As an added bonus I am always surprised and intrigued by the new insights we uncover.
Now I have a business that I am in control of instead of being buried under. I sleep soundly at the end of each day, am content, can point to the value that energy has created and love watching the business grow.
If anyone needs any help with their mindset, career or any part of their life, I would definitely recommend you speak with Fiona.

William Ferguson,
Owner Wireless Timings
“She empowers you”
“My name is Kathleen and I am the Founder and Creative Overlord of By Ninja, an award-winning brand studio based in Meanjin (Brisbane) Australia.
I first met Fiona at a networking event, and we caught up about a week later to learn more about what each other do. At the time, I knew something within myself wasn’t going so well. We got chatting, and as Fiona started describing the types of people she helps and some of the trigger words they express, a game of ‘bingo’ was happening in my head (I got bingo). I genuinely loved what I do, but I was exhausted. I was not coping with the pressure I’d put on myself to be everything to everyone (but myself). I was frustrated, hyper-emotional, barely sleeping and constantly injuring myself at sports.
During my first session with Fiona, we explored a ‘sleep hack’. That night, I had one of the best sleeps I’d had in a very long time. Sleeping better immediately helped shift my mindset into a more effective space.
In a nutshell, that’s how Fiona works, it’s what she does — she empowers you with the knowledge and tools you need to conquer your ‘thing’, and deliver the greatest, long-term impact.
Six months on and I am so proud of the version of ‘me’ that I have grown into. I have an understanding of what drives me and why. I am more balanced. I sleep. I am more effective overall — a better founder, creative, mentor, friend, daughter, and partner. I have a clearer vision of my future, and what exactly is driving the legacy that I want to build. I am maturing into the version of myself that will actually enable me to achieve my goals, sustainably.”

Kathleen Casford, By Ninja